Near the top of the PopAddress window you'll find a check box titled “Popup” and a box to the right of it which may be showing a combination of keys. Clicking on either of these two items will allow you to set the “modifier” keys (Shift, Option, Command or Control) that control how the PopAddress pop-up menu will be “invoked”. If all four check boxes are off, the PopAddress pop-up menu will be disabled.
There are four types of “HotKeys” you can create, they are:
• New Address
Typing this hotkey will:
a) create a new blank record
b) open the PopAddress edit window and allow you to enter
a new address.
• Copy Address
Typing this hotkey will:
a) copy any text you have selected in whatever application
you’re in
b) create a new record (filling out the fields of the record
with the text picked up from your selection)
c) open the PopAddress edit window and allow you to edit
or save the new address.
NOTE: When using the Copy Address function, it will grab
any email address, phone numbers and a URL and place
them in the appropriate fields of the record.
• Edit Address
Typing this hotkey will:
a) open the PopAddress edit window and allow you to edit,
create new, delete,etc any address records.
• Search
Typing this hotkey will:
a) bring up a dialog that allows you to enter text to search
b) if you click the ok button, it will open the PopAddress
edit window showing a list of all records that contain
the text you specify (or, a list of all records if you did